Welcome to the Governing Body of Westwood Community Primary School.
You will find information about us on the following pages. The Governing Body of the school meet at least once a term and a report is presented annually to parents at a general meeting. The term of office for each Governor normally lasts for a four-year period. Governors are parents, community members, staff, teachers and the Local Authority appoint their members to the group.
We meet to discuss different areas of the school from buildings to staffing. Governor sub-groups may include representatives who are non-governors but who are members of staff within the school. We are a very proactive and productive group, who provide support, challenge and ensure the very best for our pupils. All members take an active role by attending Governor meetings and supporting school in many other ways. We were all part of and support the school vision - To make Westwood C.P. the school of choice in Buckley. You can personally contact me via the school office.
Gill Jones
Chair of Governors