Dosbarth Cherry - Miss Caswell 2024 - 2025

Miss Caswell


Croeso i Dosbarth Cherry!                                                                 

Welcome back to school and to our class page! After settling in it’s time to reveal what we will be doing this term.

Theme: Explore!

Topic title: Towers, Tunnels and Turrets!


This half term you will be learning...

Maths and Numeracy – Place Value, as well as addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.

Language, Literacy and Communication (LLC) -Information Text and Persuasive Text will be covered this term, alongside our SPaG sessions which will support the different genres of writing for Year 3.

Science and Technology–   We will be looking at Materials and its uses, the effects of climate change on our community. 

Humanities – We will be taking a closer look at different parts castle and its uses, as well as looking at where the welsh castles are on a map. We will be comparing different societies over time as part of Parliament week in November. We will also hopefully be looking at taking a trip to a local castle!

Expressive Arts – Rhiannon Roberts is a Welsh artist who we will be studying closely. She specialises in very colourful artwork, specifically that of castles. I am looking forward to seeing what the children produce!

Health & Well-being and PE- Health related exercise for our PE lessons, with a focus on developing our Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) that will enable us with the skills to successfully take part in group sports in the future.  Jigsaw (PSHE scheme of work) and KiVa. 

ICT –  We will develop our ICT and Digital Competency Framework (DCF) skills through engaging activities focused on safe internet use, basic coding on software such as Scratch. They will also learn how to collaborate online effectively, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and use technology responsibly in everyday tasks. We will also using our literacy skills to form an email to send to another Welsh school.

Welsh – We will be singing lots of Welsh songs through a programme called Ffa La La, which will help develop our welsh vocabulary and oracy. We will also be doing Darllen Cymraeg every Friday.



Helpful information about our class:

Reading - The children are expected to read and have thier reading records signed at least 3 times each week. Your child will have a specific day in which I will read with them and change thier book if needed. This will be sent out via seesaw. 

Spellings- Spelling lists will be focused on over a week period, and based on your childs outcome they will either be moved on or will recover the previous words. I will send spelling lists home, as well as uploading to seesaw. New lists will be given out on a Monday as well as sent out on Seesaw, with a small weekly test each Friday.

PE – Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday, so the children can come to school dressed wearing the correct PE kit. 







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Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher